July 25, 2022
May 29, 2022
SERCLC is an absolute blessing to its staff, students, and community! I have gained such fulfillment in being a part of SERCLC's mission to empower and prepare students through 21st Century Learning.
Through the leadership of Mrs. Wanda McCargo, we are able to provide impactful learning experiences that will inspire our students now and in the future.
Sade Richardson
August 29, 2020
"I would like to take the time to tell Ms. Scarlette thank you so much for all you do. You have no idea how much your emails help me. Do you know that I only got the devices because of your email. I thought once I registered them in the virtual learning and I stated that I need devices I automatically got them. It wasn't until you emailed me and said do this before midnight the survey. Just thought I would let you know."
Sharon Jones, SERCLC Parent
May 14, 2020
"I would like to take time to THANK all the SERCLC T.A.S.K. Organization for their genuine help with three little fellows. Xavier and Zique have been apart of SERCLC since the beginning. NaJai joined much later. All staff has played a roll in their learning skills. The Saturday sessions were longer but, there was still learning as well as fun. Now that we are in remote learning, the staff is still able to help these three young fellows. It has not been easy but, the staff has been able to assist in their learning. I thank you all for your assistance thus far. Ms. Scarlette thank you for your reminders in emails."
Sincerely, Mary Roberson
"During the last quarter interim reports, Santana received 2's in Math and Reading. After meeting with her homeroom teachers, TASK staff, and additional one on one support, Santana received a high 3 on her Math EOG's and a 4 on her Reading EOG. No re-taking of the EOG's, and no summer school! She will be starting her 5th grade year strong."
“We want to send a special thank you to our “SERCLC Task Leadership Program“ Students for volunteering at Wanda’s little hands graduation ceremony”
Parents are a child’s first teacher. When you educate the parent, you strengthen the foundation.